Fehler: class Animal muss abstrakt sein, da es 5 nicht implementierte Mitglieder hat

Im folgenden Code erhalte ich diesen Fehler:

class Animal needs to be abstract, since: it has 5 unimplemented members. /** As seen from class Animal, the 
 missing signatures are as follows. * For convenience, these are usable as stub implementations. */ def 
 favFood_=(x$1: Double): Unit = ??? def flyingType_=(x$1: scala.designpatterns.Strategy.Flys): Unit = ??? def 
 name_=(x$1: String): Unit = ??? def sound_=(x$1: String): Unit = ??? def speed_=(x$1: Double): Unit = ???

Wenn ich alle Instanzvariablen der Klasse Animal mit _ initialisiere, wird der Code korrekt kompiliert. Was bedeuten diese Fehler?

package scala.designpatterns

 * Decoupling
 * Encapsulating the concept or behaviour that varies, in this case the ability to fly
 * Composition
 * Instead of inheriting an ability through inheritence the class is composed with objects with the right abilit built in
 * Composition allows to change the capabilites of objects at runtime
object Strategy {

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    var sparky = new Dog
    var tweety = new Bird

    println("Dog : " + sparky.tryToFly)
    println("Bird : " + tweety.tryToFly)

  trait Flys {
    def fly: String

  class ItFlys extends Flys {

    def fly: String = {
      "Flying High"

  class CantFly extends Flys {

    def fly: String = {
      "I can't fly"

  class Animal {

    var name: String
    var sound: String
    var speed: Double
    var favFood: Double
    var flyingType: Flys

    def tryToFly: String = {

    def setFlyingAbility(newFlyType: Flys) = {
      flyingType = newFlyType

    def setSound(newSound: String) = {
      sound = newSound

    def setSpeed(newSpeed: Double) = {
      speed = newSpeed


  class Dog extends Animal {

    def digHole = {
      println("Dug a hole!")


    //Sets the fly trait polymorphically
    flyingType = new CantFly


  class Bird extends Animal {


    //Sets the fly trait polymorphically
    flyingType = new ItFlys
