Crontab не запускает мой скрипт на Python

Мой скрипт на python не работает под моим crontab.

Я поместил это в скрипт Python вверху:

Я пытался сделать это:
chmod a+x

Добавлено в мой crontab -e:


* * * * * /home/me/project/

My /var/log/cron file says:
Sep 21 11:53:02 163-dhcp /USR/SBIN/CROND[2489]: (me) CMD (/home/me/project/

But my script is not running because when I check my sql database, nothing has changed. If I run it directly in the terminal like so:

python /home/me/project/

I get the correct result.

This is the


import sqlite3

def main():
    con = sqlite3.connect("test.db")

    with con:

        cur = con.cursor()

        cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testtable(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name TEXT)")

        cur.execute("INSERT INTO testtable(Name) VALUES ('BoB')")

        cur.execute("SELECT * FROM testtable")

        print cur.fetchall()

if __name__ == "__main__":

EDIT: Per comments: Yes, /usr/bin/python exists. I can also run the python script directly using just /home/me/project/ /usr/bin/python /home/me/project/ works. So I don't believe this is the cause?