Недостающие строки при записи файла с многопроцессорной блокировкой Python

Это мой код:

from multiprocessing import Pool, Lock
from datetime import datetime as dt

console_out = "/STDOUT/Console.out"
chunksize = 50
lock = Lock()

def writer(message):
    with open(console_out, 'a') as out:

def conf_wrapper(state):
    import ProcessingModule as procs
    import sqlalchemy as sal

    stcd, nrows = state
    engine = sal.create_engine('postgresql://foo:bar@localhost:5432/schema')

    writer("State {s} started  at: {n}"
           "\n".format(s=str(stcd).zfill(2), n=dt.now()))

    with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
        procs.processor(conn, stcd, nrows, chunksize)

    writer("\tState {s} finished  at: {n}"
           "\n".format(s=str(stcd).zfill(2), n=dt.now()))

def main():
    nprocesses = 12
    maxproc = 1
    state_list = [(2, 113), (10, 119), (15, 84), (50, 112), (44, 110), (11, 37), (33, 197)]

    with open(console_out, 'w') as out:
        out.write("Starting at {n}\n".format(n=dt.now()))
        out.write("Using {p} processes..."

    with Pool(processes=int(nprocesses), maxtasksperchild=maxproc) as pool:
        pool.map(func=conf_wrapper, iterable=state_list, chunksize=1)

    with open(console_out, 'a') as out:
        out.write("\nAll done at {n}".format(n=dt.now()))

Файлconsole_out никогда не имеет в себе все 7 состояний. Он всегда пропускает одно или несколько состояний. Вот вывод из последнего запуска:

Starting at 2016-07-27 21:46:58.638587
Using 12 processes...
State 44 started  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:01.482322
State 02 started  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:01.497947
State 11 started  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:01.529198
State 10 started  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:01.497947
    State 11 finished  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:15.701207
    State 15 finished  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:24.123164
    State 44 finished  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:32.029489
    State 50 finished  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:51.203107
    State 10 finished  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:53.046876
    State 33 finished  at: 2016-07-27 21:47:58.156301
    State 02 finished  at: 2016-07-27 21:48:18.856979

All done at 2016-07-27 21:48:18.992277


Обратите внимание, что ОС - это Windows Server 2012 R2.