Ощущение барьеров памяти

Я пытаюсь понять барьеры памяти на уровне, полезном для программистов, не использующих Java. Я считаю, что этот уровень находится где-то между изучением только летучих компонентов и изучением работы буферов Store / Load из руководства по x86.

Я потратил некоторое время, читая кучу блогов / кулинарных книг, и нашел краткое изложение ниже. Может ли кто-нибудь более знающий взглянуть на резюме, чтобы узнать, пропустил ли я что-то или ошибочно перечислил.


Name             : LFENCE/Load Barrier/Acquire Fence
Barriers         : LoadLoad + LoadStore
Details          : Given sequence {Load1, LFENCE, Load2, Store1}, the
                   barrier ensures that Load1 can't be moved south and
                   Load2 and Store1 can't be moved north of the
                   Note that Load2 and Store1 can still be reordered.

Buffer Effect    : Causes the contents of the LoadBuffer 
                   (pending loads) to be processed for that CPU.This
                   makes program state exposed from other CPUs visible
                   to this CPU before Load2 and Store1 are executed.

Cost on x86      : Either very cheap or a no-op.
Java instructions: Reading a volatile variable, Unsafe.loadFence()


Name             : SFENCE/Store Barrier/Release Fence
Barriers         : StoreStore + LoadStore
Details          : Given sequence {Load1, Store1, SFENCE, Store2,Load2}
                   the barrier ensures that Load1 and Store1 can't be
                   moved south and Store2 can't be moved north of the 
                   Note that Load1 and Store1 can still be reordered AND 
                   Load2 can be moved north of the barrier.
Buffer Effect    : Causes the contents of the StoreBuffer flushed to 
                   cache for the CPU on which it is issued.
                   This will make program state visible to other CPUs
                   before Store2 and Load1 are executed.
Cost on x86      : Either very cheap or a no-op.
Java instructions: lazySet(), Unsafe.storeFence(), Unsafe.putOrdered*()


Name             : MFENCE/Full Barrier/Fence
Barriers         : StoreLoad
Details          : Obtains the effects of the other three barrier.
                   Given sequence {Load1, Store1, MFENCE, Store2,Load2}, 
                   the barrier ensures that Load1 and Store1 can't be
                   moved south and Store2 and Load2 can't be moved north
                   of the barrier.
                   Note that Load1 and Store1 can still be reordered AND
                   Store2 and Load2 can still be reordered.
 Buffer Effect   : Causes the contents of the LoadBuffer (pending loads) 
                   to be processed for that CPU.
                   Causes the contents of the StoreBuffer flushed to
                   cache for the CPU on which it is issued.
 Cost on x86     : The most expensive kind.
Java instructions: Writing to a volatile, Unsafe.fullFence(), Locks

Наконец, если SFENCE и MFENCE истощают storeBuffer (делает недействительной строку кэша и ожидает подтверждения от других процессоров), почему один из них не работает, а другой очень дорогой?


(Перекрестно опубликовано на форуме Google по механической симпатии)

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