ошибка: переменная не могла быть инициализирована и оператор if

Так что в основном

 //Black ops 2 Class generator Please help me FIX!!!!!!
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class money
        public static void main(String[]args)
        String primaryOption;
        Scanner scan = new Scanner (System.in);
        Random primaryGen = new Random();

        String weaponType; //Rifle, SMG, HMG, Sniper, shotgun, or special
        String primaryoption; //Do you want a primary?
        String primaryWeapon; //The gun you get
        int primaryWeapon1; 
        String primrayCamo; //Camo for primary
        String MTAR = "MTAR", Type25 = "Type 25", SWAT556 = "SWAT-556", FALOSW = "FAL-OSW", M27 = "M27", SCARH = "SCAR-H", SMR = "SMR", M8A1 = "M8A1", AN94 = "AN-94";

        String secondaryOption; //Do you want a secondary?
        String secondaryWeapon; //Your gun
        int secondaryWeapon1;
        String secondaryCamo; //Camo for secondary
        System.out.println("Would you like a Primary Weapon? Yes(1) or No(2)");
        primaryOption = scan.nextLine();
            if (primaryOption.equals("Yes")) {
                System.out.println("Would you like a Rifle, SMG, HMG, Sniper, Shotgun, or Special?)");
                weaponType = scan.nextLine();
                    if (weaponType.equals("Rifle")) {
                        primaryWeapon1 = primaryGen.nextInt(1) +1;
                        if (primaryWeapon1 == 1) {
                            primaryWeapon = MTAR; //*&%&*This is where i initialized it.

    System.out.println("Primary Weapon: " + primaryWeapon); //This is where the error is. It say's im not initializing the variable but I initialize it in the last if statement